That’s what I’ve figured.
‘They’ say…when a guy is really into you, he’ll be the first to call, the first to text and go out of his way to be with you. Time and time… this has actually come to prove itself to me.
So what then when the silence starts? That’s where I’m confused at. In my mind…everything is going fine…but something else is going on in his head.
So the “Hint” starts.
Which is the guy> Maybe if I stop calling, answering texts, not answer the phone….she will get the hint I’m not interested and just leave me alone.Or if I dont answer she'll figure it out that I just have nothing to say or no response and wont bother me with it....
All I can say to that is “REALLY?” that’s so lame. Seriously guys….grow some balls. Even if it’s just a text to say “I’m needing some space give me a few days.” Its better then the silence and not knowing.
Deep down though…if you know you’re not interested in a girl…please just tell her. The longer you drag it out, the worse the drama/emotional part from her will be.
WHY do they do this stupid hint thing? Is it really to just avoid the nagging, crying, whining, emotional drama from a girl? It’s like they are digging themselves a hole by doing it this way instead of just being honest.
So I’ve devised some reasons that I’ve thought through…when you stop hearing from a guy as much as they were before.
1. They are actually just busy. (Girls still think, he could at least just text and let us know he’s too busy, but if this is the case then we feel confident that we will hear from them in a day...besides guys hate reassuring girls)
2. He’s so not into you. (In his mind, he’s already moved on to the next girl and you’re forgotten like yesterdays trash-ouch- and you’re left wondering)
3. He needs space. ( The problem with this ‘hint’ is that the girl really has no clue if its 1,2 or 3 so in a sense they might still bug the guy wondering….”where’d they go?” Which makes it only worse, but like I said NO CLUE! Not only that but we are constantly wondering “HOW LONG?”)
I’ve found that guys are so laid back about all this stuff…that they really do leave a girl to wonder, worry and be completely clueless about what’s going on…
My experience with a guy wanting space…is that it’s bad news. In some aspects I can’t help but wonder if that’s their first step of trying to just get out of the whole relationship. Then next step you just never hear from them again. I’ve been burned so many times by this ‘get a hint’ and ‘space’ concept. My initial reaction to a guy wanting space is “Well…time for me to move on cuz I guess its over.”
But I do have a logical side…and that kicks in saying. RELAX….just chill…if you never hear back from him…he’s an ASS anyways.
I have a bad habit though…when a guy tries the’ hint’ and I sense that he is…I rebel. I get so angry that they don’t have any BALLS to be straight with me that I push to just piss them off into being straightforward with me…just so I can say “See how easy that was? Coulda saved us all this pain if you did that in the first place…dickface…” (So a guy with complete honesty would be good for me… LOL)
Usually if they need space then it means you’ve pushed them away in some way. What’s next when a guy wants space? How can a girl keep from worrying that the guy will inevitably just not be interested anymore?Is there any hope if a guy wants space that he will actually come back?
Left with only the good memories until you hear from them again…trying to be drama free about it, understanding and respectful of their ‘spatial’ needs….trying to keep from being torn inside….
So just be straight…no avoiding…no hints…it saves a lot of wasted time and heartache…trust me!
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